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Friday, 10 July 2015

Photo from Amazon, I Googled 'Soft Silly' in Images

Although I am well known in my home city for being Nottingham's leading kazoo player (that might not actually be the first thing you think of given my broadcasting and writing but it is something I try and promote), it is less well known that I am actually in a band. I have only written about it once before and that was back in March. At the time I remarked about how this would be hampered by the fact that we are all too busy and true to form the band still have not been in the same room together yet. We have on seperate occasions, I often see Rosey at gigs and Gary of course but although I consider Craig, Andy, and Bainy good friends, I haven't seen them for a while and certainly not all at the same time. Today a conversation via Twitter DM was instigated and talk soon shifted to the possibility of meeting up. One of our number, I'm not entirely sure who, has suggested recording a cover version of George Harrison's dreadful attempt at the Christmas market 'Ding Dong, Ding Dong' for the festive market. I found myself getting irritated by the fact that we couldn't agree on a day to meet on, having already pointed out that none of this is ever going to happen because we will never all fully agree on a day and time to meet. Part of me thinks that this will help us to gain some strange underground status as 'the band that never was'. 

If we are ever going to try and make something out of this then I (and I alone) think that we should do a gig, even better if nobody comes to see us because then it is as if it never happened. The date has been set and we are having our meeting, for now. It wouldn't be right to reveal the date and location of this meeting (I will try and get a photo of all of us together to prove it happened). Not that it will happen because someone will suddenly become unavailable, despite the advance planning, because that is what happens. There is a certain appeal in the fact that Soft Silly might never happen as maybe in years from now somebody will find out about the project and track us all down and offer us a reunion gig even though we were in our 80s.

The Sunday Alternative #46 is available from here.


July Housekeeping

Bags and T-Shirts are still available from here. All money goes in the fund. Feel free to browse the shop page while you're there.

If you donate £5 or more, you get to choose a song for me to cover on kazoo for a YouTube video, details here.

Seriously, I am grateful for the donations so if you haven't got round to it yet, I thank you in advance.
