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Tuesday 27 July 2010

Oh Jedward, What Have You Done?

Last year’s X-Factor made stars (whether that is a good thing or not is up to individual opinion) of Jedward.

Obviously, they are an annoying pair, but there was something that made us like them. It must have had something to do with the way they subverted the X-Factor for a few weeks by staying in the competition past their welcome.

We all loved their rendition of ‘Ghostbusters’ and there was nothing better than their medley of ‘Under Pressure’ and ‘Ice Ice Baby’. I wrote at the time how this was perhaps the most important song of the year because it heralded a revival of the comedy/novelty hit.

When they appeared on stage at the National Television Awards with Vanilla Ice (another ironic sensation), it was television gold.

The problem is, they have now outstayed their welcome.

Their cover of ‘All The Small Things’ is a step too far. The simple reason, and their advisors should have seen this coming, is that the song isn’t funny.

The joke isn’t funny anymore.