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Friday 23 July 2010

Radio Radio

Today I went back to the studio for another pre-recording session. As there was nobody else around I had to switch everything on, and I actually managed to get everything working and the show recorded.

Here is a sneaky bit of info; when I am pre-recording, I do it ‘as live’, which means no editing. What you hear is how it recorded. But when I am in the studio, the show broadcasts live on Friday afternoons. Keep an eye on my twitter feed or the show on facebook and myspace to find when you can hear it live.

The actual show of course goes out on Tuesday 9pm. Although I think, I am a show behind for some reason.

I am really getting into it now, and not pressing any wrong buttons and fucking up. Although I did get an introduction wrong, due to being surrounded by various bits of paper to read off. I introduced Ellen Woloshin’s ‘Joanna’ as ‘Ellen’ by Joanna Woloshin. You had to be there.

Now I am starting to get bands interested in turning up to the studio to play live, which is a good direction to go in, as there is so much great music on the scene in ..Nottingham...

When I arrived home I had intended to do some more work on the book, but instead I made a valiant attempt to do some of the jobs that keep being pushed aside.

I am sure everyone has a similar task list that does not get the full attention it deserves:

I wrote the phrase No longer at this address, return to sender and delete addressee from your records on a huge pile of envelopes and posted them back. This is a very important job, as an ex-postman it is annoying to carry mail for people who do not live in the houses you deliver to. By doing this little task, rather than binning them, you reduce the postman’s workload.

I went through my pile of mail and ripped the stamps off before binning the envelopes. Old stamps are often collected for charity; keep an eye out in your library for information. One demo CD was waiting for me at the studio and the stamp had not been franked so I can use it again. These little bonuses are always fun aren’t they? Like finding a cigarette packet in the pub with a few in. 

I also put all our plastic bottle tops in a container under the sink, as they do not go in the recycling. Again, these are often collected for charity. As with the stamps, I have no idea what they do with the rubbish they collect.

I collected all my bank statements and such stuff together, and made a bit of a start putting them in order. I am sure there is a cut off point of how many years you should keep such things. I have payslips that go back to 1997; sure, I will not need them. But if I destroy them, will someone come round and ask about my earnings for that year?