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Saturday 28 February 2009

Last night was a bit of a rush job at the last minute. Mandi arrived at my house just in time to have to turn straight round and go out again. Or at least we would have if I'd had the brains to dry my jeans earlier. We were due to go and see the legendary Neville Staple in a small club gig at The Maze, which is only walking distance from home.

And it gave the opportunity for a pit stop in Asda to use the toilet and check myself in the full length mirror...

It had to rate as one of the best gigs I'd been to for a long time. Two fantastic supports acts starting with Jimmy The Squirrel (highly recommended) and Indiana Fox. There wasn't the usual long wait between acts, but seeing as live music venues rolled over and accepted the smoking ban rather than fight/ignore it, there was sufficient time to nip outside and back without missing anything.

We pitched ourselves up ringside and before long you couldn't move. Apart from a couple of trips to the bar (where I was drinking Coke, followed by bottled water) we managed to keep pretty much where we started. By the end I was soaked in sweat and spilled drinks as a result of not stopping dancing the entire time Staple was on the stage.

On the way home we walked through the Forest Recreation Ground, and couldn't resist a go on the swings...

We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing!