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Sunday 4 October 2015

Who said Sunday was a day of rest? Even full of cold I managed to crawl out of bed and release this week's podcast as usual so as not to break the chain again, then we went to my dad's for lunch as usual. Under normal circumstances I would have gone to Goose Fair later in the afternoon to have my final mushy peas of the season but duty called so I had to miss out. It was worth it though because I was one of the judges for Notts Factor, the first one after a few years off and back with a vengeance. 

The event took place at Rescue Rooms and myself and the other judges had the vantage point on the balcony and due to the lack of radio microphones two of us at a time had to run downstairs and onto the stage to give a little comment after each performance. 

It was nice to be able to see a few acts that I haven't had the opportunity to catch before, even if they did only do a two song set. The night was planned out meticulously (and of course went a little skewed to begin with) with each act doing two songs, the host Jackie P having a brief chat afterwards and a quick comment from the judges. OneGirlOneBoy, who won the 2012 competition, were due to play a set at the end while we were deciding but one of them was taken ill (I never found out which one) so were unable to attend. The decision making was difficult due to the high standard of music on offer. We had all given a score out of twenty and once added up at the end it was pretty unanimous that 94 Gunships were the winners. Personally I am glad they won as they were the strongest act of the night, although Kalli Ashton and Chloe McShane (who had travelled from her university home of Brighton for the occasion) stood out for me for their strong performance. 

Being asked to be a judge was nice because this is just the sort of thing I am qualified for but don't get considered for. What with this and a Hockley Hustle stage maybe I am finally being accepted as a proper member of the Nottingham music scene, but then again perhaps not. 

The Sunday Alternative Podcast #58 is available from here


October Housekeeping

Donations have slowed down a bit and this has had an adverse effect on filming plans. Ideas are waiting to become reality so please do consider making a donation using the PayPal button above.

In return for your gift I will make entertainment that I will put online to be enjoyed free of charge by everyone. Comedy sketches, documentaries, short films and podcasts are waiting to be made so dig deep.

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