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Monday 5 October 2015

Last night's Notts Factor victors 94 Gunships went home last night with £500, a backdrop made by Fast Graphics (owned by Tony Bates who created Notts Factor), a gig at Bodega and a spot at next summer's Waterfront Festival, so they didn't have a bad day at the office. I was pleased they won and although I wanted it there were four other judges who had their say and were scoring with me so it was a joint decision based on what it was we saw and heard on stage. Given that it was a team decision I assume that all of the judges were unfollowed on Twitter by two of the acts that didn't win. 

My Twitter follower count fluctuates much to my annoyance and I still have the word 'underfollowed' as part of my bio on there. A pattern has formed where I gain a handful of new people over the weekend only to shed them bit by bit during the week. So to lose two in one day was irritating and especially so when I realised who it was (I have a tracking thing to monitor such activity). I have met Oscar Speed a couple of times and been supportive of him to the point of giving him a live session on my American radio show, and Papershop Dave is a band I have been vaguely aware of although they either don't gig a lot or I haven't seen them. Without checking my records I would imagine that I have played them on the radio at some point so I can't be accused of not liking them. 

When you enter a competition with more than one entrant there has to be the possibility that you won't win. Seven musicians/bands took part in the contest so everyone had a one in seven chance of winning, so I find this type of behaviour a tad childish. Did they unfollow me because they blame me for their failure when maybe it is something to do with not being strong enough to warrant a sufficiently high score. If that is the case then if I was in their position I would take stock and see how I could make myself better as a performer. The wrong thing for a none-winner to do is behave in this way because it just makes them look ridiculous, like a child picking up his ball and storming off. 

The Sunday Alternative Podcast #58 is available from here


October Housekeeping

Donations have slowed down a bit and this has had an adverse effect on filming plans. Ideas are waiting to become reality so please do consider making a donation using the PayPal button above.

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