If you've enjoyed this blog, please consider making a donation using the PayPal button. All money received will be used to make short films, podcasts, documentaries, comedy sketches and more. In return for your donations everything will be available to enjoy for free. Thanks in advance.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Picture from Vulture Hound

I don't seem to have had any proper time to take my foot off the pedal just lately with writing and recording commitments, and the day job in a solicitor's office which I don't count. As far as I am concerned the day job isn't my 'proper' job it is just what supplements things, if more people donated using the PayPal button then maybe I would be able to make a full time job out of what I do more for the love of it. If one hundred people a week gave me a fiver then I would find the time at the beginning of the week to record their kazoo cover (I can't believe that offer hasn't been taken up) which would bring in £500 a week to be able to give up the day job and make short films and be able to buy refreshments for the musicians who play The Random Saturday Sessions

Anyway, I decided to give myself a day off although I did work in a way because I went for breakfast and wrote notes in my book. Of course as I am Nottingham's best/only known breakfast critic it is my duty to keep you informed about the best places in town to eat and today we went to Sobar. I'm not going to run Sobar down as what they do is very noble, (read about them here) but the service on a Saturday early afternoon left a lot to be desired. For such a nice looking place and for the fact that you're going to get a fair amount of customers on Saturday afternoon, nobody really seemed to know what they were doing. Our drinks came to the table straight away which is one of the worst things a restaurant or cafe can do because not only does it make you imagine that your food is imminent but if you have tea like I did you have to drink it before it goes cold. Maybe they do it so you have to buy another one but just by attempting to make me spend more money they lost out. Of course I don't want the food to come straight away because if it did then I would know it wasn't freshly cooked, but the waiting time today took the piss, in fact I was preparing to go and ask for my money back (if I hadn't paid upfront then I would have simply walked out), my patience was almost about to run out (and I don't have a lot to start with) when the food finally arrived.

Mandi had a brie and bacon panini and rhubarb cordial, (I know) and I had a full English breakfast consisting of two rashers, one sausage, one hash brown, one mushroom, half a tomato, baked beans and two slices of toast. Not what you'd call a hearty breakfast for the price but it tasted nice and was well presented on a plate rather than the chopping board that Mandi had to use. 

All in all it was very nice but not worth the price and certainly not worth the wait. If I want a Saturday breakfast here again I will pop in and order it on Thursday.

The Sunday Alternative Podcast #58 is available from here


October Housekeeping

Donations have slowed down a bit and this has had an adverse effect on filming plans. Ideas are waiting to become reality so please do consider making a donation using the PayPal button above.

In return for your gift I will make entertainment that I will put online to be enjoyed free of charge by everyone. Comedy sketches, documentaries, short films and podcasts are waiting to be made so dig deep.

You get 365 blogs a year, a weekly podcast and a forthcoming Nottingham music podcast (at Christmas) free of charge already.

Some ways to help:

You can have a kazoo cover dedicated to you.
Beat the 5p carrier bag charge here (and check out other goodies)
Download my audio books here.