If you've enjoyed this blog, please consider making a donation using the PayPal button. All money received will be used to make short films, podcasts, documentaries, comedy sketches and more. In return for your donations everything will be available to enjoy for free. Thanks in advance.

Saturday 17 October 2015

I was supposed to be boarding the train to Skegness today to attend my school reunion (that I organised) and was really looking forward to meeting up with old school friends and drinking a fair amount. However, I had a really unsettled night and decided against it at the very last minute in order to catch up on some rest. I have been pushing things a bit just lately with stressing out about projects and the Paypal donations slowing down preventing me from getting on with things. Now that I have The Random Saturday Sessions to organise too I have another project that wasn't part of my January to-do list, and we are almost at the time when I have to write a new one. As sad as it makes me, I know I need to decide where my strengths are and stick to them. Music promotion seems to be the thing that I am best at so will definitely not be pulling the plug on the podcast any time soon, I would also consider taking The Sunday Alternative back to radio if the conditions were right. My monthly nights at The Maze haven't gone exactly according to plan due to various behind the scenes issues yet they remain enjoyable, but it is rocket science compared to dragging a gang of musicians round a shopping precinct in the rain and filming them performing in strange locations so The Random Saturday Sessions is a keeper. Film making is the area where I feel like a failure because I just haven't been able to get anything off the ground or find a reliable person/team to work with, this frustrates me because I know I am a good writer but for now you will have to take my word for it. 

After a sluggish morning I managed to record this week's podcast ready for tomorrow and did a quick paranoid check of the figures for last week. Although they aren't growing as steadily as they were at least they aren't falling so I should be happy I suppose. After a day of stressing out and working on a Saturday we settled down and continued to watch Only Fools and Horses

The Sunday Alternative Podcast #59 is available from here


October Housekeeping

Donations have slowed down a bit and this has had an adverse effect on filming plans. Ideas are waiting to become reality so please do consider making a donation using the PayPal button above.

In return for your gift I will make entertainment that I will put online to be enjoyed free of charge by everyone. Comedy sketches, documentaries, short films and podcasts are waiting to be made so dig deep.

You get 365 blogs a year, a weekly podcast and a forthcoming Nottingham music podcast (at Christmas) free of charge already.

Some ways to help:

You can have a kazoo cover dedicated to you.
Beat the 5p carrier bag charge here (and check out other goodies)
Download my audio books here.