If you've enjoyed this blog, please consider making a donation using the PayPal button. All money received will be used to make short films, podcasts, documentaries, comedy sketches and more. In return for your donations everything will be available to enjoy for free. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Picture from Fantastic Mugs

In order to blow some dust off my YouTube channel I am going to occasionally put out a 'no budget' video to hopefully encourage some donations to the PayPal button that sits above this blog. I have projects waiting to go so need a budget for them and then the video output will improve. There are a couple of projects looming for which I am going to use Kickstarter to attempt to raise money for, having decided to use Kickstarter rather than Indie Go Go on these occasions because of their 'all or nothing' policy. If I don't raise the money then I can't do the project and I will draw a line under it and move on to the next thing. In the meantime I am reliant on kindness so if you enjoy reading my blog or listening to my podcast then please consider dropping a few coins into my virtual upturned hat. I did a bit of research into what Patreon was and whether it might be worth using it but to be honest I might as well just stick to my method. 

Today, in between doing some writing, blog catch up, and taking Jack to the park to play ball, I recorded and released a new video - a pretty productive day. The main focus of the video was a poem I have written called Shut Up & Listen which is about my pet hate of people talking at gigs. Originally, I wrote it intending it to be a song but somehow never had the time to do anything with it as I have no musical ability besides the kazoo, and on its own that isn't something I would subject anyone to. Now my new plan is to give the lyrics away and hopefully get them back as a song recorded in the style of the musician's choosing to spread the word about this vile practise and if they sell the song for money then I am putting my faith in people being honest enough to just drop something my way via PayPal. The video and the lyrics can be found here and I eventually hope to have a collection of different interpretations on the same page. 

I didn't say this in the video, but I am willing to recite this poem to music if your band are up for it. It will be like when Phil Daniels did 'Parklife', or not. If I do this then I am also willing to appear on stage at your gig and perform it with you.

The Sunday Alternative will return soon.

June housekeeping

The audio book of Bowie Day (a short story inspired by A Christmas Carol) will be released on August 31st. In the meantime the book can be downloaded to your Kindle from here.

All donations made using the PayPal button will go towards making podcasts, comedy sketches, live video sessions, documentaries, short films and more that will be made available online for free.

The Sunday Alternative bag and t-shirt (and other products) can be purchased from my shop page. All money raised will go into the fund to create free content.
