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Friday 4 December 2009

Toys R Us And The Misheard Lyric!

I almost feel as though I am shattering the youthful memories of 30somethings everywhere, but I am going to share this tale with you anyway!

Since December 1st, I have been posting in my facebook status a youtube link under the title Advent Calendar Of Memories. So far, I have linked to a 1981 Woolworths advert, a clip from Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em, Max Headroom singing, and the Irn Bru advert spoofing The Snowman.

Last night, after listening to this weeks Collings And Herrin podcast, I went trawling around YouTube. I showed Mandi a collection of “do you remember this?” moments. As I am searching out Christmas clips, Mandi suggested a Toys-R-Us advert. You remember the song? "There’s a magical place, we’re on our way there…"

I then attempted to start the classic conversation. The conversation that has dominated pub discussions since I do not know when.

Why in the jingle did they declare there’s millions of Geoffrey all under one roof?

We have wondered about this for years, maybe we were all resigned to the fact that we would never find out the truth.

Then Mandi shattered my (and now your) lifelong quest for the answer.

The ‘Geoffrey’ in question is the giraffe. A mascot for the store. The correct line is actually there’s millions SAYS Geoffrey all under one roof.

Strike me down!

See for yourself now you know the truth, here is the advert for you!