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Monday 30 November 2009

My phone rang during lunch. It was a journalist from the Nottingham Evening Post who asked me about the reopening of The Old General, my opinion required, as it was me who started the campaign all those months ago. Thinking about Christmas back in August; that is how I roll!

On the way to town for Christmas shopping on Saturday, I took a call from the new proprietor of the pub regarding this business, so I agreed to go along to meet her. The meeting went well, and I was able to pop behind the scenes and see the old guy again. He looks a lot better without security grilling around him. We chatted for a while about the press attending the opening, which I said I would deal with and left feeling very positive about the whole thing.

If you missed it, here is the original blog about the closure of the pub, and here is the facebook group I set up.

I agreed to go along on Tuesday, (opening day) and lend a hand. When my nana used to point out the statue to me as a kid and tell me that he was dressed as Santa at Christmas, I never knew that one day I would grow up and be dressing him myself!