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Thursday 29 October 2009

Christmas Day Postmen?

I was reading up about Royal Mail delivery methods throughout time, (yes I am a wow at parties) and the old Christmas Day delivery was mentioned.


The priority would be for Christmas cards obviously, and any stamped mail. But picture the scene…

It is Christmas morning. The presents are being opened, the kids are playing, dad is trying to assemble/mend something, the smell of turkey wafts in from the kitchen, the dining room is set in anticipation, Christmas songs are being played on a loop, everyone is still pyjamas at the moment, nobody has dressed for dinner yet, some of the family are playing board games, children take to the front driveway with new bicycles, or roller skates as someone films them for the memories video. Who is that walking up the drive?

Why, it is the friendly local postman with seasonal greetings from afar. Quick somebody, go and get a mince pie and a warming glass of sherry!

You may not care one way or another, but what about if they were dressed like this?
