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Friday 19 June 2009


I’ve noticed that in this nice weather the price of bottled water seems to be creeping up. You might think this is an outrageous exploitation of the honest punter, but I say GOOD. Plastic bottles of water should cost £50 each, maybe that will stop lazy arsed people who can’t be bothered filtering water and putting it in a reusable water bottle. In fact £50 isn’t expensive enough.

More energy is used recycling a plastic bottle into another one, than is used making a new one from scratch. So although you still should be recycling to not fill landfill sites with something that won’t rot away, you’re not actually helping in the long run. So glass bottles, as dangerous as some think they are, are in fact the better option.

Councils should also think about all those ornamental drinking fountains they have sat doing nothing in our parks. People could refill bottles from them.