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Saturday 21 February 2009

Earlier today I read about an Ebay sale of what would appear to be the last bag of actual Woolworths Pick and Mix. At the time of posting it was up to about three hundred pounds.


When I first started talking to Mandi she gave me the nickname 'The Milk Tray Man', due to my wardrobe containing only black clothing. When she first stayed at my house I bought a box of said chocolates and hid them in the bed for her to find.

The Milk Tray box now contains the train tickets from my first visit to Doncaster when we first met, our Christmas cards to each other, a couple of small things in my Christmas stocking she made me, and the Christmas TV guide that we bought one lovely weekend at the beginning of December.

It also contains a Woolworths Pick and Mix bag, from the last ever shopping trip in the much missed store. 

The bag is an essential part of my box of loving memories that one day I'll bore my grandchildren with.

If it was full of sweets then it would be worth a few hundred quid.

But the sentimental value!

But the money!

But the sentimental value!

I showed Emily the article before I set the computer up for her, (she wanted to go on her Facebook profile to have a live chat with her half sister). I pointed out that my empty bag wasn't worth as much as the one being auctioned.

Then she said that we could buy sweets from anywhere to fill the bag, and nobody would know as the same sweets are on sale all over the place.


But the sentimental value!

But the money!

The latest price bid at the time of writing..

Thirteen thousand pounds!

But the sentimental value!

But the money!