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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Today was one of those Saturdays where nothing seems to happen but the day runs away from you. Even though I like having a lie in and catching up with my sleep it pisses me off when I feel like I have wasted the day and won't get anything done. I like working hard but am also quite lazy and have blasts of both ends where I am extremely productive followed by my desire to go to bed and read a book. There are two books in my unread pile at the moment which is a worry because one of them is quite long (The Age of Bowie by Paul Morley, I'm about a quarter of the way through and Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division by Peter Hook which I haven't even read the back page blurb for). Even worse than that is that there are several unwatched DVDs in my collection (and some unwatched VHS tapes that I rescued from various charity shops) and even a couple of CDs that I haven't listened to. I just don't seem to have enough time these days even though I have managed to train my body to survive on just four hours sleep, which doesn't bother me until those evenings when my body and brain have a meeting and decide to have the evening off and throw the switch at around seven o'clock and send me into the deepest sleep imaginable. 

It took a while to do but I recorded this week's episode of The Sunday Alternative Podcast to put out tomorrow while Mandi was watching Strictly Come Dancing, a programme I can't watch - not because I don't like it but because I get sucked in to such a show and before I know it my podcast recording window has gone down the pictures. I had a brief spell of super organisation and found the ability to record several episodes at once to free up my time but ironically I haven't had the time to keep that up.

Amid all of this palava today, I only realised thanks to one of Mandi's Facebook memories popping up in my notifications (because I was tagged in it) that today is the anniversary of Jack coming into our lives. Three years ago Mandi adopted him from a foster home and brought him in against my wishes. It didn't take long of course for me to change my mind and now I can't imagine life without my boy. The best thing about today was taking him to the park and watching his enthusiasm for running for and bringing back his ball. We don't have a proper birthday for Jack but this is his special day.


 This week's edition of The Sunday Alternative is here

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