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Tuesday 29 September 2015

Picture from Inside Out Music

I am writing this having just returned from a gig with Mandi who never wants to go to gigs on a week night but wanted to go and see Spock's Beard at Rescue Rooms. They are a band that I never really paid attention to as they are unfortunately tarred with the prog brush and most of it is unlistenable twaddle about elves played by men dressed as people out of Lord of the Rings and they seemingly always record songs that go on for about six months. Music taste is a personal thing so something one person doesn't like is something that someone will love so people are entitled to their opinion. The fact that this is a band that I don't particularly bust a gut to see was a display of love really because Mandi is a big fan of Spock's Beard so I wangled the review for the Nottingham Post. A band comes over from America to play a series of gigs and waste their time by going through the television and radio promotional treadmill when all you need is a 250 word review (after the event) in a regional newspaper, not only was I doing this for Mandi I was thinking about the band. 

The fact is I really enjoyed the show as the band aren't proggy in the clichéd sense of the word. Musically they are a tight band and have an amazing sound so it does you good to go and see something that isn't part of your remit, the hardest part will be writing the review but I'll do that after I've taken the dog for a walk. Most impressive of all was the audience, not a word was spoken during the performance and they even waited until the very end of each song before applauding. In a city where talking at gigs is becoming a bigger and bigger problem this was refreshing to see. I'm not sure if it is exclusive to this band to have such well behaved and polite fans but if someone has videoed this gig then it should be used to educate people who go to gigs on how to conduct themselves. 

 The Sunday Alternative Podcast #57 is available from here.


September housekeeping

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