Picture from BBC website
After all the fun and games yesterday it was business as usual once I returned home as I had a podcast to record for today. I had already done the groundwork by compiling the music so all I had to do was sit down and record it which I did with no major drama and was back downstairs in time for dinner. Later on I had a look through the photographs that both Cibele and I had taken and stuck a few on the Facebook page, although technically the video might never see the light of day seeing as one of the Hockley Hustle organisers has asked to see it first. Usually this would be ignored and I would put the video up but as we are using their name I suppose it is only fair.
Mandi is far more into classical music than I am, my interest is only a passing fancy reserved for the pieces of music that I know and recognise. My favourite is Vivaldi's Four Seasons which I suppose is like a punk fan bringing up the Sex Pistols straight away, a bit of an obvious and easy choice. I don't care though, it is a piece of music I love and enjoy nothing more than listening to it on a Sunday afternoon with the papers - or at least I used to until Sunday suddenly became quite a frantic old day. Mandi only really got into classical music on a bigger scale when she started listening to Classic FM, we have it on in the bedroom to help us sleep - I'd prefer BBC 6 Music to be honest because it's good at night, but I'm glad to be with someone who can't sleep without music on because it has always been one of my 'things' too.
Anyway, one of Mandi's television treats is Last Night of the Proms and last night we watched it together. I am not an avid watcher of this spectacle but I do find it curiously entertaining. We get some of the best performers in their field from around the world, put them in a venue known far and wide as a high end type of place, then for one night only fill it up with riff-raff. Brilliant.
The Sunday Alternative #56 is available from here.
September housekeeping
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