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Wednesday, 19 August 2015

I have often had a recurring dream in which my Granddad Eddie (my dad's dad) is with us, maybe sitting at the table, and he is talking to us as if he is still with us. However, it is accepted that he is dead and he talks about what has happened in the world since his passing in 1986. When my Nana Florence died last year I had the same dream about her, almost the same scenario where we comment on how well she looked considering she had died. In both cases they were how I like to remember them, in my Nana's case she was how I remember her when I was a child, in good health and full of jokes and laughter. 

For the last few days I have of course been thinking a lot about my Granddad Albert who died last week, and last night I had that dream. We were talking to each other about how I wished I had visited him more often while I had the chance and how he understood that I lived a long way away, something he said to me the last time I saw him. Perhaps this dream is representative of the guilt I feel at neglecting them in life, although I can't be blamed for Granddad Eddie as I was only eight when he died. 

I have tried to look into this peculiar dream but the specifics aren't covered, dreaming about dead relatives can be investigated by people who know about that sort of thing but not having conversations in which they are dead but visiting, not as ghosts though.

The Sunday Alternative #52 is available from here.


August housekeeping

We are now in the eighth month of the year and at a standstill as far as work is concerned. In unrelated news, it is my birthday on the 27th of this month so a nice present would be a donation using the PayPal button. This would be spent on creating podcasts, documentaries, short films, comedy sketches and various other entertainments that I will make available to enjoy online for free.

The above t-shirt and bag is also available to buy, all the money goes to the same creative fund. They are on my shop page.

I'll play you a kazoo song request, find out how here.

Letter of complaint written for you for £2, here.
