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Friday, 17 July 2015

Picture by Roo Innes

A few weeks ago I wrote about my attempts at conceptual art and my discovery of the Facebook page that simply posts The Same Photo of Jim Carrey Every Day for no other reason than because. In doing some research I found out that the idea isn't unique to Jim Carrey, I discovered that there are similar pages devoted to posting the same photo of Glenn Danzig, Vladimir Putin, Nicholas Cage and more. Quite where this started and why is a mystery to me and I am sure many others, but as I wrote in the original blog it is the repetition along with the pointlessness of the whole enterprise that appeals to me. 

Today I logged into Facebook and found the familiar red dot of notification leading me to an invitation to like a page. Clicking on the link to find out more I realised that my friend Gary had started a new page called The Same Photo of Steve Oliver Every Day. My first reaction was to laugh out loud and message Gary to congratulate him on a funny idea, although I did tell him that I couldn't join the group as there's a certain pocket of my home city that already think I am egotistical enough without wanting to join a page such as this. I have gone to great lengths to spread the word that it has nothing to do with me and I don't have anything to do with it. 

Whether or not Gary actually manages to post the photo every day or not remains to be seen but early indications are good for this page. Of course I am regularly checking it and seeing who is liking it and commenting on the picture. Obviously there is the potential for the ongoing joke about one picture being better than another that could run and run and I will keep looking in. As I am not going to like the page I can't use the setting that notifies me of each new post (which I do with the Jim Carrey page) so I will just have to randomly keep checking. What I have done is cleared the search history on the Facebook apart from this weird tribute to me so that when I am on my phone all I need to do is hit the little picture of a magnifying glass and I am almost taken straight there. Something that intrigues me is that only a small number of people from my friends list are members of this page, the bulk is made up of people I don't know and because I am not an admin on the page I can't see who they are. Whoever these people are, I hope they enjoy the picture above arriving in their news feed every day. Please be assured, if this page was my own work then I would have picked a much better picture of myself.

The Sunday Alternative #47 is available from here.


July Housekeeping

Bags and T-Shirts are still available from here. All money goes in the fund. Feel free to browse the shop page while you're there.

If you donate £5 or more, you get to choose a song for me to cover on kazoo for a YouTube video, details here.

Seriously, I am grateful for the donations so if you haven't got round to it yet, I thank you in advance.
