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Saturday, 25 July 2015

I have been too busy to even bother to go to town on a Saturday so my writing sideline of writing about breakfasts has fallen by the wayside. Today I had faithfully promised Mandi that I would clear the decks so that we could spend the day together and go out for breakfast then do a bit of shopping before afternoon tea. We have been in Wired before for coffee and I feel I must start by saying that we have never had a bad experience before now, coffee-wise, and Mandi has some fruit concoction usually and enjoys that. The staff are brilliant and Wired is a lovely place to go. Breakfast however, is where they fell apart today, for me at least. 

Their website stated that a Full English Breakfast was available and that is what I had on my mind, once I have a particular meal on my mind and have developed the taste for it I have to have it and nothing else will do. Once after travelling all day I had burgers on my mind having asked Mandi to get me some burgers, they are quick and easy to make once I get home from my weary travelling. I had even dropped a hint when I texted her about looking forward to my burgers. When I got home she had bought and made me a pizza, don't get me wrong, I love pizza but I wanted burgers and my evening was ruined. A similar thing happened today when I walked to Wired and took a seat outside with the many lovely tastes dancing around my mind; bacon, eggs, sausages in particular. Mandi went in to order because she wasn't sure what she wanted and came out to tell me I needed to order my own, it turns out that the website is out of date. What they had was something called a 'posh breakfast', which I might have eaten had I not been lulled into believing I was going to enjoy a proper breakfast. Salmon, a muffin, vine tomatoes, and the option to add bacon or some other stuff at an additional price. There was far too much to think about for a cafe on a Saturday afternoon, it may alarm you to learn that I don't have a degree and was therefore unable to do anything other than just glance at the menu and opt for a bacon buttie instead, stating (not that I should have to state such a thing) that I didn't want butter on it. The clue should really be in the fact that it is a bacon sandwich and therefore butter shouldn't go anywhere near it but apparently that isn't enough in today's world.

Whatever weird fruit based thing Mandi had ordered came without a hitch, as did my pot of tea. I was thankful that in Hockley I was able to get proper tea and not spicy lunch tea infused with coconuts and lemongrass or whatever it is the rolled up trousers brigade are being told is fashionable this week (they will tell their friends that they tasted it last week before everyone else). My bacon sandwich came out too, with butter on which I immediately sent back and another one followed with no butter and plenty of apologies. The bread was too thick in comparison with the thin bacon, so although it filled me up it wasn't satisfying as I had merely filled up on bread. 

The pot of tea, if I really had to try and find a positive, was very nice. However I will not be troubling Wired for food again in a hurry.

The Sunday Alternative #48 is available from here.


July Housekeeping

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If you donate £5 or more, you get to choose a song for me to cover on kazoo for a YouTube video, details here.

Seriously, I am grateful for the donations so if you haven't got round to it yet, I thank you in advance.
