Generic Facebook meme with no definable creator
Today was another pretty unsuccessful one in my book, apart from getting the podcast up and ready nothing was achieved today. Thankfully the listening figures have returned to the average I was getting before the enforced break recently so that is a load off my mind. Mandi was still not feeling well with a stomach bug so she didn't come with me to my dad's for lunch, I went with Jack to give her some peace. I like to think that she stayed in bed and rested but I know that she will have attempted to do some housework even though I told her to relax, it is things like this that deduct sympathy points as far as I am concerned.
When we got back from my dad's I had intended to get on with some work but when it came down to it I just couldn't find the motivation. It probably had something to do with the fact that my stomach was a little bit wobbly. While I hadn't exactly been unlucky enough to catch Mandi's bug, I was certainly in no position to go to a gig I was meant to be attending. Gerry Trimble was hosting an all day charity event at The Maze but I couldn't bring myself to leave the house. The Maze is one of the best venues in Nottingham, certainly one of my favourites, but like all venues I wouldn't fancy the thought of an evening spent in the toilets.
The above illustration perfectly sums up the way my career has slowly trundled along. I should look at the positives and shout about how much I have achieved with regards the radio, podcast, and other things rather than fixating on the failures. They aren't even failures to outsiders looking in but I consider things to be failures. We are now in the seventh month of the year and my 2015 to-do list doesn't look too different to it did when I wrote it in January. Looking at it I can make a few dents before the end of the year but there are still things that may have to wait until 2016 on several projects.
The Sunday Alternative #48 is available from here.
July Housekeeping
Bags and T-Shirts are still available from here. All money goes in the fund. Feel free to browse the shop page while you're there.
If you donate £5 or more, you get to choose a song for me to cover on kazoo for a YouTube video, details here.
Seriously, I am grateful for the donations so if you haven't got round to it yet, I thank you in advance.