If I wasn't wearing my old shitty 'only in the house' jumper I'd have made this my professional picture for kazoo playing.
I wrote a newsletter today that will be published on Saturday when I have time to advertise it while I am sat in my office recording the podcast. The main gist of the newsletter is another drive for donations via the PayPal button as I can't afford as yet to crack on with several projects and this is the only barrier to getting on with it. Ideally I would be able to draw a wage from the PayPal account which would enable me to focus on the things that take up the most time, such as Moonage Daydream for example. This is obviously a long way off but I can dream and in the meantime I will plough on with the day job, which to be fair is where I get a lot of ideas for things to do when I get home. Within the newsletter (I will mention it properly on Saturday but there's fuck all else to write about today) I aim to use my love of the kazoo to my advantage by offering a videoed kazoo cover version in return for donations. I have set this prize as a special privilege for donations of £10 or over for a few reasons; first of all I assume that this won't be something that people fall over themselves to get on board with, secondly if it is a huge success then I will be able to afford to get on with making films and stuff but ironically I won't have time because I will be too busy recording kazoo videos to do any proper work. Maybe this is my key to fame and fortune, it's about time the world had a professional kazoo player and I could take show business by storm. I would love to either be able to afford to risk the money or find someone rich and daft enough to back me to hire out an arena to stage a one man kazoo recital. I have the equipment at home to record an album of tracks to attempt to sell as a download so maybe there is another possibility.
One of the reasons I started writing a daily blog was to assist me as a writer by throwing something down to wake up my brain. Something else that happened as a happy accident is that I inspire myself into ideas that do eventually get fleshed out into feasible projects, in fact a couple of blogs have formed the basis of short films that still haven't seen the light of day so please consider that and maybe drop a few coins in my electronic hat. Even as I am writing this blog (you don't need convincing that I am making it up as I go along with nothing planned in advance) another idea has just come to me, a Christmas album. A Kazoo Christmas With Steve Oliver is a good title but I have time to work on it, so now all I need is a few songs. I can see the album cover now, me sitting on a rocking chair in front of a roaring fire with a Christmas tree in shot and I am wearing a Christmas jumper with maybe a glass of sherry in my hand. Now that I have written this I have forgotten what I was supposed to be doing.
The Sunday Alternative Podcast #43 (Saturday edition) is available from here.
The Sunday Alternative Podcast #44 is available from here.
June housekeeping
The audio book of Bowie Day (a short story inspired by A Christmas Carol) will be released on August 31st. In the meantime the book can be downloaded to your Kindle from here.
All donations made using the PayPal button will go towards making podcasts, comedy sketches, live video sessions, documentaries, short films and more that will be made available online for free.
The Sunday Alternative bag and t-shirt (and other products) can be purchased from my shop page. All money raised will go into the fund to create free content.