If you've enjoyed this blog, please consider making a donation using the PayPal button. All money received will be used to make short films, podcasts, documentaries, comedy sketches and more. In return for your donations everything will be available to enjoy for free. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

After a seven week podcast drought The Sunday Alternative returned today to appease those lovers of new music, the type of which you would not hear on mainstream radio. I know it is Saturday but I couldn't wait, in fact today's release was only the first edition of a double whammy this weekend as the usual Sunday podcast will be thrown out into the world tomorrow lunchtime. They were both recorded in the week so there was no pressure whatsoever as I have found a podcasting programme that seems even easier than the one I was using, apart from I haven't 100% got the hang of it yet as you will gather when you listen to the Saturday edition and I keep cutting myself off when introducing each song. I have never been the most technically minded person in the world so that slight roughness has become part of my style and it would be a shame to lose touch with that now. It only occurred to me this morning as I was doing the social media stuff that I should really have done some hyping during the week to get some momentum going. How I managed to not grab an opportunity to promote stuff I will never know but there you are, it happened. 

The listening figures were pretty good for the first day (they tend to climb during the week so I don't record the official number until seven days later when the new one comes out) but down on the usual numbers. I assume (that is, I hope) that this is down to the fact that it has been on hiatus and that the numbers will improve very soon. Although the figures were low for a first day the response has been favourable so I am not about to start panicking just yet. 

My big problem at the moment is the fact that donations have slowed right down so I am forced to postpone several reasonably big projects until I can afford to go ahead and make them. This weekend there will be a big campaign regarding the branded Sunday Alternative bag and t-shirts for sale and a newsletter will be published with another fundraising drive. I think I have hit on a way to give something back to each individual contributor, I might live to regret it.

The Sunday Alternative Podcast #43 (Saturday edition) is available from here.

June housekeeping

The audio book of Bowie Day (a short story inspired by A Christmas Carol) will be released on August 31st. In the meantime the book can be downloaded to your Kindle from here.

All donations made using the PayPal button will go towards making podcasts, comedy sketches, live video sessions, documentaries, short films and more that will be made available online for free.

The Sunday Alternative bag and t-shirt (and other products) can be purchased from my shop page. All money raised will go into the fund to create free content.
