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Friday 17 June 2011

Picnic At Wayne Manor

We've both been very busy and stressed just lately, so a picnic was in order at Woolaton Hall. By a stroke of luck, we ate all our food before it rained, and then had a lovely walk around the grounds.

I quickly bored with our attempt to have a look round the museums because I've seen everything so many times before. There was some work going on, and for some reason this was a good reason for them to stick up a sign banning photography indoors. The reason for all the secrecy within the house may or may not have something to do with the filming of the new Batman film in the summer. Woolaton Hall has been chosen to 'portray' Wayne Manor. They are only using exterior shots of the building, but might be using the lobby area too.
While walking around, I started to think about the Batman filming and how I could try and use it to my advantage. There was a recruitment drive for extras a few months ago, but it totally passed me by. As much as I like the Batman films, and I'm also guilty of enjoying the 1960s Adam West series, (and the cinema serials Batman and Batman and Robin from the 1940s), I'm not an avid fan. When the first film came out in 1989 I made a half arsed attempt at reading the DC comics, but couldn't get into it and from then my interest in old comics is mainly financial. I do know enough of the Batman story to wing it in a conversation. as long as the conversation isn't too nerdy.

All the way home I started formulating an idea to quickly make something with Batman in, like a quick sketch, just so I could say that Nottingham has hosted a Batman film before. But I won't. Copyright would be too much to cope with.