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Saturday 7 May 2011

Rob's Record Mart is part of Nottingham legend, hidden away from the hustle and bustle up an alleyway. Part of the appeal was the sheer untidiness of the place; everything stacked up with no regard for categorising, and impossible to navigate without knocking something over.

It took me a little while to collect my bearings when in the shop, until I realised that the front door was in a different place. It was actually a different door, previously hidden by piles of records. Although the shop was tidy, there is still a bit of work to be done regarding the filing system. I bought two vinyl albums, nothing major just a couple of holes in my collection from Elvis Costello And The Attractions and Ian Dury And The Blockheads, which came to about six pounds. I handed over a tenner, and waited patiently while he fumbled around his pockets for my change. So that is another kink that needs ironing out; a till.

Now it looks like a neat little record shop, and today it was full of customers, so although everyone complained about the change at first, it soon became clear that it has made things a lot easier.

Photo above courtesy of Nottingham Confidential, all others are my own.