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Saturday 13 November 2010

Never Buy Christmas Crackers Again

For Christmas crackers you will need;

Toilet rolls, one per cracker

Crepe paper

Remember on January 6th when you took everything down? And before you put the cards in the recycling bin you cut the pictures out to use as gift tags the following Christmas? Well, this year you aren't using them all as gift tags because you need them here.

Wrapping paper, cut out some squares. I cut round a CD case, that is the size you need.

Nice ribbon

Cracker snaps. We bought ours from Christmas Angels in York.

Jokes. I asked Emily to google Christmas cracker jokes and she printed six pages.

Treats, obviously we had to check them first.

And now for the making...

Lay the toilet roll on the crepe paper, thread the snap through and place the joke (folded) and treat.

Twist the ends of the cracker and tie with ribbons to secure.

Add wrapping paper and picture and job done.