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Thursday 8 July 2010

A new episode of Charity Shop Film Guide is now up to watch on YouTube. Again, I cannot get it to load on FoD, but it will appear there soon. I watched the film Voyage of the Rock Aliens, which needs to be seen to be believed. My review does not really do it justice, as this was a film with no plot, no direction, and no idea.

Do your curiosity a favour and Google the film. It even has a profile on myspace so you will get some idea.

The night I watched Voyage, I conceived the pencil sketch basis of a live version of Charity Shop Film Guide in which I play a couple of crap films with an introduction beforehand. This is something I might try to do next year if I get the time. 

Something I would like to do is acquire permission to adapt Voyage of the Rock Aliens for the stage. The fact that it is woefully piss poor has not stopped many plays/musicals being staged. In fact, it is such a cheap and nasty affair that I hear Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder discussing the financial benefits of staging a flop. But I want it to be one of them things that get the audience turning up in costume.