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Tuesday 10 November 2009

Comedy Moments!

If ever there was something embarrassing that could happen in public, it is uncontrollable laughter. Mandi was at the doctors this evening and texted me afterwards to say she had made an appointment for Monday at nine o’clock for my mole.

“At the vet?” I texted back, hardly able to contain my mirth while I was typing the message. I was in hysterics and had to hide away to regain my composure. I was proud that I’d come up with it so fast, straight away in fact!

I have many moles on my back, which I keep an eye on, but one has gone a little crazy so naturally I want to get it checked. But my joke came from thinking Mandi had made an appointment for a fictional pet mole.

I also enjoy explaining jokes, as this derives a second laugh, smaller than the original, but a laugh nonetheless.

To me at least!