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Wednesday 14 October 2009

Dinner With The Krankies

I am walking along the street with Mandi having a usual kind of a day, when I spot two familiar figures at the bus stop. The Krankies are waiting for a bus, which to my astonishment I did not find strange. Making sure Mandi had the camera ready; I approach them and ask if I can pose for a photo with them, as I am a big fan. (I really am a big fan of The Krankies).

Jimmy/Jeanette was in her stage outfit of schoolboy costume, which again I failed to see as an oddity during the day when she was not on stage. She was very friendly and more than willing to pose for a picture. Ian on the other hand was a bit cranky, (as opposed to Krankie), and viewed me with suspicion.

Ian was quite abrupt I have to say, which I did not expect. He kept pressing me for details as to how much of a fan I was. I pointed out that I used to watch them on Crackerjack (Crackerjack) and The Krankies Electronic Comic. I also mentioned my copy of the LP The Krankies Go To Hollywood.

Jimmy/Jeanette invited us to their house, and started making us a chilli to eat. She asked Ian to make us cups of tea, which he did despite still not believing I was a genuine fan of their work. I told him that in January 2005 I took my daughter Emily to see them in pantomime. He pressed me for the venue (Darlington Town Hall) and whom the fairy godmother was played by (Denise Welch), and details about the script. I remembered that the ugly sisters were called Jordan and Jodie, and that they sang their hit 'Fan-Dabe-Doze'.

Jimmy/Jeanette kept telling him to shut up, while cooking us a meal and playing the perfect host/hostess. How this couple have managed to maintain a working and personal relationship all these years with his attitude to his fans is beyond me.

Mandi was getting a bit unsettled by this interrogation and gestured that we should go, but there was no way I was going to pass up the chance for a meal cooked by a half woman half schoolboy entertainer. Mandi was by this point arguing with Ian Krankie about his disgusting attitude towards me, when I was polite and genuinely happy to meet them.

I knew deep down that Ian would eventually calm down, and accept me as a fan of his work. Then all would be okay. Maybe Jimmy/Jeanette’s cooking would win him over.

Sadly though, I will never know the outcome, as I woke up.

If you can interpret dreams, then go ahead!