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Sunday 15 February 2009

Lets Make A Snowman!

We eventually left the house at about half past two after a lovely roast chicken lunch. We only got dressed about ten minutes before lunch, but that's Sunday. When we'd finally dressed, cleaned our teeth and had the obligatory post roast poop it was time to enjoy a rare bit of sunshine in the forest.

It was in the majestic beauty of our surroundings that we spotted some remaining snow. Ice would describe it better actually.

So we jabbed it with a stick to soften it before making a little snowman.

To give you some idea of size, here he is next to me. I'm the one at the back wearing Converse

This evening not only did I persuade Emily to tidy her room, but by some miracle she threw out almost a whole bin bag full of stuff, and created two carrier bags for a charity shop dumping. I don't know where she gets her hoarding tendencies from!