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Thursday 26 June 2008

The Myspace/Facebook REAL LIFE Social Experiment

Introduce the principal of social networking websites into your real daily life, it'll either be a giggle, or will result in some violent situations. And I also respect the fact that not everyone is blessed with the extraordinary amount of time to kill as I am. So here are a few pointers to get you started, see if you can add anything to it.

Wait at the bus stop nearest your house, and get on the next bus that comes along. Give the driver the minimum fare and tell him to let you know when you need to get off. When you get off, go to the nearest house and knock on the door. Ask the person who answers if you can be their friend. (You get added points if they have framed photos on the wall in the hallway and you manage to make a witty comment about it.)

Randomly put cards through people's doors saying "Just passing by to show you some love"

Get a t-shirt made showing a photo of yourself and stop people in the street asking them to comment on it, promising to return the favour at the next opportunity.

Break into someones house and read their diary. Find an entry you think you can contribute to and leave your 'comment' in red pen at the bottom of the page. If you break into the house of film directer Kevin Smith, and can't think of a constructive comment, just write "Whoa, FIRST COMMENT"

When in a lift full of strangers, look around and say "I know none of you in real life, but I'd quite happily have sex with you, you and you"

If you can't sleep, go out for a walk. The first person you see, tell them it's four in the morning and you can't sleep and ask if they want to chat.

Go for a drive on the North Yorkshire moors, where sheep wander freely. Steal one and keep it in your passenger seat. As soon as you see someone walking by, throw it at them. (NB This might not be as amusing in real life as it appears on Facebook) Along the same lines, randomly give someone a beer, drop kick them, kiss them, hug them, ask them questions about 1980s films starring Corey Haim, use the force on them, (whatever the hell that means), give them sweets, you get the idea.

When you see a man and woman walking along, hand the man some money and inform him that you now own his girlfriend. (There could be legal implications to this)

Knock on someones door and when they answer hit them over the head knocking them out. When they wake up they are in a basket in your living room with a bowl of food next to them. See how fucking amusing they find it when you tell them they are now your pet. (Legal implications may also apply here)

Just randomly poke someone, and ask if they'd like to poke you back. Or bite them and tell them they are now invited to join your army of vampires.

Go to Tom Anderson's house when he's not there and brick up his front door, paint it white and write in big letters: