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Tuesday 4 March 2008

Do You Mind Answering A Few Questions?

This lunchtime I was accosted by one of those market research types, and I fell for my own trick!

When they stop you they show you a list of occupations, and ask if you work in any of the areas thereon. These include advertising, and journalism. I always say journalist, as it's not strictly untrue. They're then not allowed to ask me to take part and I act all disappointed and we get on with our lives. So I told the guy that I was a journalist, and instead of stopping he asked me in what area. Like a prat I told him music. This was okay, so he led me to an office, gave me a cup of tea and I sat at a laptop answering questions. My questions were about the BBC.

Now I've had a vendetta against the BBC for a lot of years. Firstly as they didn't answer my Jim'll Fix It letter, (I wanted to be a member of The A-Team. I would have enjoyed driving a van, shooting a gun and pitying fools). Looking back I'm glad because it would have meant meeting Jimmy Savile, who has always given me the creeps. I've had my doubts about him for a while, and his refusal to accept that that is him in the photo taken in the 1970s at Haut de la Garenne makes me doubt him even more, but that's a different blog.

Second, I never got to appear as a contestant on Crackerjack. The third reason is that they have dicked me about for about six months regarding my wanting to buy the rights to said kiddies game show and remake it for the hip and groovy CBBC generation.