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Friday, 28 September 2012

In the city centre we have Broadway Cinema, which caters for the more discerning film goer, playing independent films, documentaries, and themed festivals (including nicking my idea on one occasion, I'm over it now), alongside the new releases. There is also Screen 22, (formerly known as Screen Room), with its 22 seats making it one of the smallest cinemas in Europe. However, Screen 22 is unfortunately only a private hire place, you can't just go in and watch a film. The only other option is of course Cineworld. 

Nottingham has lost all of the delightful little cinemas through the demolition era, and the local press this week has been full of reports that demolition has begun on the old Odeon.

Once again, Nottingham Council have sanctioned an act of cultural and architectural vandalism. In the 1960s, this was a music venue that played host to The Beatles among others. With Nottingham's music scene finally gaining the national recognition it deserves, a place that size would of course be ideal. But, Nottingham seems to think that we need even more student accommodation.

Stupid, short-sighted fools!