When Jimmy Savile died last year, I tweeted at the time that I wouldn't be a hypocrite by paying tribute to someone who gave me the creeps. I always said that he was a paedophile and now it looks like I had a point.
I don't like the fact that nobody came forward simply because he was bringing in the ratings and making a lot of money for charity. Was he really that untouchable in life that he could get away with having sex with underage girls, and using an approved school as his own private pick and mix. The phrase 'it is a pity that Jimmy Savile is dead' is one that nobody ever thought would be used, but this of course means that whatever the outcome of this investigation, Savile can't face justice.
People turning a blind eye to this kind of thing is the true crime here. Jimmy Savile, and others, could have been investigated and arrested at the time and saved a lot more innocent people going through the same thing.
When I lived in Southend On Sea, I found out that a local gym, The Academy on London Road, was a front for a child porn operation. Not only that, but my boss Fred Spring Junior was a shareholder. When I told people this, they either didn't believe me or knew about it but couldn't prove it. Fred was clever enough to not leave a trail, and his father Fred Senior was well regarded with the police and local magistrates, so could make certain problems disappear. Fred Junior was arrested for improper behaviour in a public toilet on more than one occasion, but these arrests were dealt with by his dad. The police didn't listen to me, and I worried that I couldn't do anything. When I left Southend, (not my choice), I tried a different tactic. I wrote a detailed letter to The News Of The World. I wouldn't normally have tried to deal with a newspaper you could best describe as 'cuntish', but TNOTW did enjoy a good expose in their time. I never heard back from them, nor do I know if they followed up my letter.
This is Steve Oliver's blog, it used to be daily but now happens in fits and starts.
Steve Oliver is a writer, director, documentary maker, actor, public speaker and humorist from Nottingham, England.
This blog masquerades as a website too, so have a look around the tabs and links if you want.
- Dog Walk Comedy
- Relax With The Swans
- The Random Sessions
- NottinghamLIVE (radio show)
- The Sunday Alternative
- Music Moments
- Steve Oliver's Nottingham 2015: The Trilogy With a Difference
- The Batman Hoax
- When The Clocks Change
- Kazoo
- Shut Up & Listen Lyrics
- Shut Up and Listen
- Isolated Juggling
- Vinyl Comedy Club
- A Christmas Carol
- Recipes
- Respect the Music (children's story based on Shut Up and Listen)
- Cat Grass, endorsed by Dickens and Bella
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