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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Still from the film (c) Glen Leach

I had to go through diaries again (good job I log every move by way of diaries, receipts, notebooks and never throwing everything away) to work out when I had filmed my part as a less than sympathetic psychiatrist in the second instalment of The Curse of the Jester. As it turns out it was November last year although it probably felt longer ago because the time scale between filming something and that something being made public can seem like years. 

The episode although written by Glen (who also directed and played Jeff, the character who finds the doll) was largely improvised and we have left it rather a long time before even thinking about the next step. We all seem to have trouble synchronising availability but this evening I was able to meet with Glen to set the wheels in motion for the next chapter of the story. One of Glen's plans is to edit the episodes together into a film, but I suggested re-shooting the whole thing as a movie instead, an idea that will tidy up any continuity issues and cover up the fact that some actors might not be available from one episode to the next. 

Although acting is only a small part of the feathers in my cap, it was a lot of fun to be a part of this. What is admirable is the looseness with which we managed to get this episode together. As I have written before, the scene with the two doctors on a cigarette break was pretty much all improvised with Scott Taylor running rings around me and it was difficult to know when to come in. This wasn't made any easier by the police occasionally driving past to see what we were up to (I know from experience that obtaining permission to film is like pulling teeth so whenever possible it is best to simply not bother. 

The purpose of this evening was about finding out where the story goes next and although we came up with some good set pieces, it was difficult to get to them without contradicting what had happened before. We have pretty much got the gist of what we need to do but now we need to sort availability and get all the same cast together if possible. As long as we remember not to ask permission we'll be fine.


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