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Thursday, 18 October 2012

It would seem that the BBC was/is a hotbed of sexual deviancy, and that the 'talent' seemingly has a free pass to get away with murder. Not literally murder, they haven't revealed their policy on murderers yet. Paedophilia on the other hand is apparently fine, as is any kind of sexual harassment of women in employment. First of all we had the dazzling revelation that Jimmy Savile was a predatory paedophile, (who would have guessed?), a 'well known soap star' was also at it, and that Freddie Starr (allegedly) and Gary Glitter (almost certainly given his form, sue me) had some sort of sex party in Jimmy Savile's dressing room, (if walls could talk, Jimmy Savile's dressing room would have enough material for a whole series of books).

According to a story in today's Daily Telegraph, Wilfred Brambell was involved in the abuse of young boys in the early 1970s, in Jersey of all places. One of the boys was a resident at Haut de la Garenne, who it would seem had an open door policy to the paedophile community, who used the place as a sordid pick and mix counter. Obviously this is another case of revealing the disgusting habits of someone who can't face justice, but then again, had it come out at the time when Steptoe and Son was riding high in the ratings, then chances are that the BBC would have buried the story to preserve a top-rated television show. There has to be at least some of these co-conspirators alive today to face questioning about why they kept quiet; were they in on it too perhaps? Were they bribed? Threatened? It wouldn't surprise me if they were part of a bigger child abuse activity. It's already been suggested that Jimmy Savile has a 'paedophile ring', there are as yet no reports on the rest of his jewelry.

Talking of creepy disc jockeys, a while ago I tweeted this...
I need to make it clear that I wasn't suggesting that either of the names were paedophiles, not that it matters because nobody will ever decipher who I was talking about. My prediction was based on the allegations regarding the behaviour towards women in the 1970s and 1980s, and recent revelations by Liz Kershaw among others about being groped by men at the BBC. You only need to watch the old Top Of The Pops repeats on BBC4 to see how sinister some of the presenters appeared. Well, now I want to let you in on a secret. One of the names I alluded to was Dave Lee Travis, that's what DLT stood for in the tweet. The only thing I said was that his name was going to be mentioned in the paper, I didn't say why, so nobody can sue me for this. It is not libelous to merely state that somebody was going to get their name in the paper, and believe me, I have been very careful how I phrased this blog. I am also on safe ground in my use of the word 'creepy', as that is only my opinion, I think Dave Lee Travis is creepy looking. It's his eyes. Anyway, Dave Lee Travis has found himself in the papers recently, accused of groping young women while filming Top Of The Pops. This might or might not be true, although I personally (can't sue me for having an opinion) have always found him a bit weird. Don't get me wrong, I used to like his weekend mid-morning show on Radio One when I was a kid. He was always a bit pompous, (people in glass houses, I'll say it for you) but his light-hearted idiocy was ideal for the time, and of course an inspiration for the Smashie and Nicey characters. To fully understand his leery creepiness, all you have to do is watch an episode of Top Of The Pops 1977 on BBC4.

Perhaps more creepy letch than full on Savile noncery at work here, from someone who didn't realise what a cunt he looks. He denies all wrongdoing, and we will have to wait and see what happens.

The way things are going, there are going to be a lot of names revealed very soon. We have already all found out what the papers didn't tell us, which is that John Simpson was prevented from reporting on the findings that a 'much loved children's radio presenter' abused young boys in his dressing room in a spree dating back to the 1920s. His reference to 'Uncle Dick' wasn't exactly the Enigma Code, as it appears to have been 'Uncle Mac', or Derek McCulloch to give him his full name, the host of Children's Favourites and Children's Hour. Another dead person who can't face justice.

The real problem is going to come when these names are revealed to be people that we all love, or like at the very least. I'm sure that anybody who was famous and working for the BBC back then is nervously awaiting questioning.

I am not going to libel the living, but has anyone noticed how silent Sooty has been?