Up bright and early this morning to appear on proper grown up radio. I was due to meet the BBC reporter at half eight, and woke up at half seven, although I did two hits on the snooze button. There's nothing like the theme tune to WACaday to make you not want to get out of bed of a morning, especially at that time. I cycled to The Old General in good time, arriving about twenty past and the reporter was there already. Hannah Meredith was setting up her BBC studio car, and looking far too good for such an unearthly time of the day. The BBC in their wisdom decided that an outside broadcast was a good idea, in December at half eight in the morning in the pissing rain. She didn't seem to think I was a nutter, and if she did then at least she hid it well. I do often wonder what people think of this campaign, as I sometimes feel like a really grim Victoria Wood character; the Christmas window dresser
Once that was all over, I went to my dad's for a bacon sandwich and a cuppa. About an hour later, Jayne Garfitt from The Nottingham Evening Post, (as I still insist on calling it) rang with some very positive news that I can't divulge yet. Let's just say it is almost my Christmas miracle.
Mandi told me about a conversation that she overheard on the tram to work this morning. An man pointed out The Old General to his companion and lamented the fact that this year might be the first one in living memory that the statue isn't dressed up as Santa. He then said that there's a man around here trying to save the tradition, and that he was in the paper this week. At this cue, Mandi piped up and told the man that it was me and got into a little conversation with him. He said to pass on a message of well done, and good on him. That made my whole day, seriously. I'd love to find him to thank him.
Listen to the interview here. I'm at about half an hour from the end.
This is Steve Oliver's blog, it used to be daily but now happens in fits and starts.
Steve Oliver is a writer, director, documentary maker, actor, public speaker and humorist from Nottingham, England.
This blog masquerades as a website too, so have a look around the tabs and links if you want.
- Dog Walk Comedy
- Relax With The Swans
- The Random Sessions
- NottinghamLIVE (radio show)
- The Sunday Alternative
- Music Moments
- Steve Oliver's Nottingham 2015: The Trilogy With a Difference
- The Batman Hoax
- When The Clocks Change
- Kazoo
- Shut Up & Listen Lyrics
- Shut Up and Listen
- Isolated Juggling
- Vinyl Comedy Club
- A Christmas Carol
- Recipes
- Respect the Music (children's story based on Shut Up and Listen)
- Cat Grass, endorsed by Dickens and Bella
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