Today was the day that Christmas officially began in Nottingham.

Prior to the security company being delayed by an hour, I had popped along to a nearby nursery to borrow some children for a photo opportunity. Unfortunately I had to go back to the school to inform them of the delay, and was confronted with a collection of disappointed faces all dressed up in hats and coats ready to go and get their pictures in the picture. I felt such a bastard having to delay, especially as these kids weren't available in an hour. The headmistress did offer me some different kids though, which came along right on time as soon as we'd all been up to decorate and photograph and were just coming down into the yard.
The children who came from the nursery were delightful and really joined in when Dan set up the photographs, holding up their arms and cheering on request. A lad sat on my shoulders for pictures of merriment, and I gave him my Santa hat for helping. He seemed over the moon.
By half eleven it was all over, and order and tradition were maintained for another year. Hopefully this will mean that the task is easier next Christmas, as one year missed and it would be very difficult to regain the momentum and one Christmas missed would become two then forever. It would be nice if the pub was opened next year, although as it stands the rent is way over the top.
But anyway, it is finally Christmas in Nottingham.