I have never been so pleased to be getting up early on a Monday morning than I was this morning at half past seven. Actually, with the snooze button doing what I expect of it, it was nearer to eight.
Today was the day that Christmas officially began in Nottingham.
Thanks to the work of Nottingham Evening Post (as I still call it) journalist Jayne Garfitt, the security company who are looking after The Old General agreed to let us into the premises to dress the statue of Benjamin Mayo in his Santa suit. I met with Jayne, and the photographer outside the pub and was hoping for crowds gathered and police on horseback. A few passers by did stop and get involved, due to the fliers that my dad had printed and distributed around the local shops over the weekend, but the security company were delayed by an hour and they didn't want to hang around in the cold. My Nana was also present, and answered a few questions for the paper. I really hope they use her quotes, it'll make her day and give her something to show off about down the complex on bingo night. My dad came along too, he actually made the costume. He had volunteered the errand of finding a costume, but the ones in the fancy dress shops were a- shit and b- the American style, (jacket, trousers and hat) which wouldn't work for a statue. It had to be the more traditional looking gown and hood look for our General.
Prior to the security company being delayed by an hour, I had popped along to a nearby nursery to borrow some children for a photo opportunity. Unfortunately I had to go back to the school to inform them of the delay, and was confronted with a collection of disappointed faces all dressed up in hats and coats ready to go and get their pictures in the picture. I felt such a bastard having to delay, especially as these kids weren't available in an hour. The headmistress did offer me some different kids though, which came along right on time as soon as we'd all been up to decorate and photograph and were just coming down into the yard.
The children who came from the nursery were delightful and really joined in when Dan set up the photographs, holding up their arms and cheering on request. A lad sat on my shoulders for pictures of merriment, and I gave him my Santa hat for helping. He seemed over the moon.
By half eleven it was all over, and order and tradition were maintained for another year. Hopefully this will mean that the task is easier next Christmas, as one year missed and it would be very difficult to regain the momentum and one Christmas missed would become two then forever. It would be nice if the pub was opened next year, although as it stands the rent is way over the top.
But anyway, it is finally Christmas in Nottingham.
This is Steve Oliver's blog, it used to be daily but now happens in fits and starts.
Steve Oliver is a writer, director, documentary maker, actor, public speaker and humorist from Nottingham, England.
This blog masquerades as a website too, so have a look around the tabs and links if you want.
- Dog Walk Comedy
- Relax With The Swans
- The Random Sessions
- NottinghamLIVE (radio show)
- The Sunday Alternative
- Music Moments
- Steve Oliver's Nottingham 2015: The Trilogy With a Difference
- The Batman Hoax
- When The Clocks Change
- Kazoo
- Shut Up & Listen Lyrics
- Shut Up and Listen
- Isolated Juggling
- Vinyl Comedy Club
- A Christmas Carol
- Recipes
- Respect the Music (children's story based on Shut Up and Listen)
- Cat Grass, endorsed by Dickens and Bella
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