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Tuesday 5 July 2011

A Chucklesome Day

I saw this advert today, it is a bit fuzzy because I took a phone picture rather than bothering to scan it. There is a little problem with the advert. You cannot beat a drought with a water butt. You can only pre-empt a drought with a water butt. If you buy a water butt during a drought, then you haven't understood the concept of a drought.

A few weeks ago I machine gunned a barrage of tweets relating to the making of the new Batman film. As part of the film is being made in Nottingham, (Wollaton Hall is paying the part of Wayne Manor), I dropped that I had spotted Adam West in the vicinity. I used the Nottingham and Batman hashtags to try and get the story moving along. Then I thought no more of it.

Until today when I received an email from the Nottingham Evening Post (as I still call it):

Hi Steve,
I have been made aware of your comments about Adam West being seen in the vicinity of Wollaton Hall. Have you got a number I can call you on to get some more details please?
Kind regards
Marcus Boocock

Blimey! The trail led back to me, of course it did. If there's one thing that annoys me it is people hiding behind false identities. So I emailed back:

Hi Marcus,
I really don't want to ruin my relationship with The Post, as I write for you from time to time.
Now that that's out of the way, the Adam West thing was a twitter joke that I tried to filter into the nationals. The nationals tend to use stories from the locals without too much checking, and we thought that something as big as the Batman film being in Nottingham would be of interest. Especially given how private the set was.

Once again I am sorry to have wasted your time, although if you needed a story and might be able to turn this around then please do ring. My number is ***********

Steve Oliver

So although today could have been a bit more productive, it was nevertheless amusing.