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Thursday 7 July 2011

The Batman Conspiracy Continues

After I emailed my reply to the Nottingham Post confessing that I was kidding around regarding the Adam West story, I thought that it was all over.

After a fairly slow day, in which I almost caught up with all my work, I recieved an email on facebook from an old college friend called Darren:

Hi mate how are you, just been watching the Hollywood gossip thing between "numbers" and "CSI" on 5USA. And there was a snippet saying about whether Adam West was going to make a cameo in the new Batman movie as he had been spotted in Nottingham. I'm still laughing now mate :-)

I emailed back almost straight away:

Oh fuck, what have I started?

He emailed back:

Some funny shit, that's what you've started dude, wonder if it will hit the papers next.

This is when the penny dropped and I realised that maybe there was a story in this after all. I googled 'Adam West Nottingham' and found that my name was all over the place in connection with a joke that had become speculation. The obvious thing to do was to phone my contact at the paper to deliver a story.

I committed to writing a 650 word article about the whole Batman/Adam West debacle, which I abandoned the work I was already doing to get on with.