If you've enjoyed this blog, please consider making a donation using the PayPal button. All money received will be used to make short films, podcasts, documentaries, comedy sketches and more. In return for your donations everything will be available to enjoy for free. Thanks in advance.

Hire Me

I am available for any of the following reasons, fees negotiable.


Gigs, awards, fashion shows, whatever.  


I do a little 'Introduction to Podcasting' type lesson suitable for schools and colleges, (CRB checked) which teaches how to do it with ease.

A Christmas Carol related stuff.

During the festive season I am available for any of (or a combination of) the following:

Themed quiz night
Talks prior to film screenings
Storytelling (includes other Christmas stories by Charles Dickens)
Talk on Charles Dickens's relationship with Christmas

As a writer

Press release

I can turn a review or an article around in 24 hours if needed, examples of my work can be found at this page.


Food critic (breakfasts a speciality) for print, radio or television
Audio commentary (tours etc.)
Script editor
Kazoo player
Radio punditry, especially in the fields of music, comedy and popular culture.

Audio books

I am available to record audio books if you have a story you would like recording. Examples of my own commercially available books are at this page. Live readings are also considered.

In the first instance, email me at steveEoliver@gmail.com to discuss your needs.