The National Gallery was on the agenda today, or rather it was on Mandi's. Later on today we were going to look at what is essentially a closed down office block, so I couldn't really say no. I have tried my best with art galleries, and there is just something about them that I can't get along with. Museums I enjoy, but I soon got bored in the gallery. It was nice to be able to say that I have seen
Sunflowers and
Chair by
Van Gogh, but once I had seen them, I had seen them.
Something that I had been very enthusiastic about was doing this photo:

I seemed to be the only person doing this. Why aren't the council, or the tourist information board doing something about this? There should be people walking up and down The Strand handing out bananas with a friendly "Have a banana".

This isn't just any old disused tower block. King's Reach Tower was once the home of IPC Magazines, and a remembered postal address for people of a certain age. If you entered a competition, or wrote a joke for publication in
Whizzer and Chips,
Buster, Cor, Whoopie, or any of the other titles, then you will have written to King's Reach Tower. Stamford Street. London SE1 9LS. Once you grew out of comics, you started to read the NME and the correspondence to King's Reach Tower continued as you sent letters, and in my case, reviews and articles. I made a short video to put on YouTube about why the building should have a plaque, and commemorated all those jokes in the post, by sticking a Post-It note to the window with a joke on it. Once the video is online, I would love to think that people who watched it did the same. The video didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, the first take was brilliant up to the sticking a note to the door. It fell straight off, and the recording picked up me shouting "oh flipping nuisance", or something. By the second take, traffic had increased, people were rubbernecking, and a security guard had appeared in the building behind me. Still, the video is what it is, and will go online when I get home.