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Friday, 13 January 2012

I did a phone interview with the comedian Jim Tavare this afternoon. I was originally going to talk to him at noon, but he contacted to ask that it goes to one o'clock. This meant that I had time to go to the local shop and get the papers and milk. I had been preparing to tweet a joke regarding doing the interview while in my pyjamas, something along the lines of 'I just interviewed Jim Tavare in my pyjamas, my first question was "can I have my pyjamas back?"'. Some time was spent pondering on which was funnier, pyjamas or dressing gown, as wording is everything when you're writing comedy. Even when putting a tweet together I consider the wording, this is especially important on twitter when you have a limited amount of words to use. Groucho Marx once shot an elephant in his pyjamas, so the old gag goes, so I decided on pyjamas once and for all. This all turned out to be academic as I didn't feel that the joke would work an hour later, as it isn't as acceptable to be in your pyjamas at one o'clock than it is at midday. All I have to do is sort out phone interviews in the morning, and the joke is available for use once more.